Project Introduction

I’ve been a YouTube troller for a while now, but I’ve only just recently been introduced to the world of YouTube partnerships. What exactly does being a YouTube Partner entail, you ask? According to YouTube, the benefits are vast:

So what you mean to tell me, YouTube, is that I can make pointless videos and get paid for them?! Sounds simple enough. In actuality, there are many steps that go in to becoming a partner, staying a partner, and getting the most out of your relationship with YouTube.

This project was designed for my Strategic Social Media graduate course at the University of North Texas. For this project, I will immerse myself in the world of YouTube partnerships, monitor the top “Gurus” on the site, and research how these seemingly unknown people are turning a profit by vlogging.

I will have an accompanying YouTube Channel to vlog along the way.


About Katy

Katy is a graduate student at the University of North Texas's Mayborn School of Journalism studying strategic communications, PR, marketing, and integrated media. She is a word nerd, travel nut, board game lover, hockey fan, random knowledge generator, lover of the absurd and interested in all things social media. View all posts by Katy

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